Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dying Light 2 May Not Arrive On Sony PlayStation 4 And Microsoft Xbox One

The sequel might be too much to handle for current-generation consoles, says game producer Tymon Smektala

Survival horror video game Dying Light has been widely popular with fans and critics alike, and as you normally would expect with a popular game, there has been a lot of buzz around a possible sequel. Recently at Gamescom in Germany, game producer at Techland, Tymon Smektala, commented on the possibility of a sequel to the game.

In an interview with Videogamer, Mr. Smektala revealed that the studio has Dying Light 2 on its list, and that the game is currently in the conceptual phase. He explained that the studio first needs to determine if its ideas work and whether Microsoft Corporation’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Xbox One and Sony Corp.’s (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) PlayStation 4 can handle it.

“We have lots of very ambitious ideas so first we need to check if these ideas are even doable with the tech that the current consoles provide,” Mr. Smektala stated. He went on to say that it’s too early to talk about a sequel right now.

It is worth noting that the current-generation consoles are only a year-and-a-half old and this is the first time we are hearing that a developer is concerned about the feasibility of a project on current-generation hardware this early in the console life-cycle. It is perhaps nothing more than an elementary step in making sure the technology available can support the studio’s vision. Unless we know what the studio is aiming for, we can’t say the current-generation consoles are limiting in any way.

Dying Light is a free-roam, first person game with some parkour elements. It could explain why the developer wants to first make sure the game is doable on current technology, as free-roam games require extra processing power.

Dying Light has sold five million copies on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. The game is set to receive a new DLC called “The Following” soon, which adds a 10-hour campaign to the original game. It will retail for $14.99 and is free for Season Pass holders.

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