Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Five hours in, Black Ops 3 Xbox One beta codes still won’t redeem

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Xbox One beta is live, but it’s not going as well as the PS4 equivalent.

Black Ops 3 Xbox One beta participants have been disappointed so far; many are finding it impossible to redeem their beta tokens and get into the test.

According to the Xbox Live status page, the issue is under investigation

“Are you having issues redeeming Beta 5×5 tokens for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? That’s no good. But rest assured, our team is assembled and we’re hard at work trying to get this fixed. Thanks for your patience while we work. We’ll update you on our progress when we know more.”

It’s been at least two hours since this message went up and about five since the problem first arose. For ongoing updates, tune into the Call of Duty and Xbox Support Twitter accounts.

Well, again, this is precisely why we have beta tests – although hopefully code redemption wouldn’t be a problem when the full game launches on November 6. Try not to get to stressed out about it; the PS4 beta was extended past its announced expiry time so there’s a good chance Treyarch will keep this one open a bit longer, too.

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