Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hear Nolan North as Destiny's New Ghost in This Taken King Teaser Video

Bungie has published a new video that serves as a teaser for tomorrow's second Destiny: The Taken King livestream, which will be focused on the expansion's new Strike.

The video provides a brief look at the Strike, set on the hulking Dreadnaught ship, and also reveals some of its new locations and enemies. We also get to hear Uncharted and Assassin's Creed actor Nolan North's version of the Ghost. He took over forGame of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage.

Tune in tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26, at 11 AM PDT / 2 PM EDT / 7 PM UK to watch the full presentation. We'll host the livestream here on GameSpot.

The Taken King launches on September 15 across all platforms. It will make major changes to the overall Destiny experience, including including weapon balance tweaks and lots more.

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