Thursday, August 27, 2015


With the November 3rd release date fast approaching, it's time we take a closer look at just who will be guiding you on your journey through the streets of Ventura Bay. Of course, this being the tough world of Need for Speed, you're going to need guidance from the very best and most influential people in the world of car culture.

Let's talk speed. Although no single person can be credited with the rise in popularity of the air-cooled Porsche, the enigmatic 911 fanatic Magnus Walker has definitely played his part. His rapid rise in popularity around the globe is intrinsically linked with his devotion to the 911 and his relentless pursuit of creating his ultimate example.

One of the most recognisable characters in the automotive world, not just for the dreadlocks and majestic beard, but the accompanying roar of a turbocharged flat-six cylinder howling through the open exhausts of a Porsche “Widowmaker” 930 Turbo.

Magnus may collect and modify classic Porsches, but he’s never been afraid to get out and push them as far as he can on the tough city streets and canyon roads of Los Angeles.

In fact, this is what Magnus lives for and why his armoury of 911s exists in the first place. His mantra of 'get out and drive' should be all the encouragement you need to carve your own path in Ventura Bay.

Let's talk style. Ken Block might just be the undisputed king of the internet and has quickly become one of the most recognisable faces and names in the automotive game. Years of driving in top-tier rally, X-Games competitions and his famous Gymkhana videos watched by hundreds of millions of people around the world have honed his skills behind the wheel.

His experience, garnered from competing in a variety of action sports has allowed him to develop a distinct and immediately recognisable driving style across a number of different cars and platforms.

From World Rally cars to the custom built Hoonicorn, Ken is more than adept at slaying tyres in some of the most creative ways possible.

Few, if any, can match his ability to throw a flame-belching car sideways with such incredible precision. In a realm where an inch can mean the difference between worldwide fame or global ridicule, Block rules the streets.

Let's talk build. Akira Nakai is a true automotive artist, an artisan builder who uses feel, emotion and nuance to build some of the world’s wildest Porsches.

Based out of a small shop in the back blocks of rural Chiba, near Tokyo, Nakai-san has taken his long-running Rauh Welt Begriff brand of Porsche tuning to the world, and now spends much of his time travelling across the globe, building super-aggressive cars for an almost cult-like following of customers.

For Nakai-san, it's not just a case of shaping metal and composites. He puts a small part of himself into every one of his creations. It's why each of his cars carry their own name, as no two are alike.

Nakai-san’s ability to build incredibly angry cars with soul have become the stuff of pure legend. Each car is built both with style and performance in consideration. His masterpieces are built to be driven, not just as static objects to be admired. He imposes no limits upon himself and focuses on building within the present moment. He lives in the now.

Let's talk crew. Since 2007, one name has been synonymous with the underground street drifting scene in Chicago; Risky Devil.

Fish, AJ, Cook, Stevo and T2 are drivers of some of the most badass, tyre-incinerating and envy-inducing street sliders found anywhere, this crew has long been running the midnight streets in this part of the world.

The only thing that surpasses their passion for cars and hard driving, is their loyalty and unwavering trust between each other. The late nights and early mornings spent laying rubber on Chicago's subterranean road network has forged an unbreakable bond between these brothers-in-arms.

Always coating their machines in a violent shade of blood red or crisp white, Risky Devil has constantly pushed the boundaries to the absolute limit in search of perfect form, both when it comes to driving and their VIP-inspired, spark-throwing style.

Individually, each of the Risky Devils is a formidable ally. But when they're together, there's no other crew who can come within touching distance of them. These are the people you want in your corner.

Let's talk outlaw. Little is known about the real Shinichi Morohoshi, a man with one foot in normal society and one in the underworld. He is a man who embraces his own notoriety.

Usually found prowling Tokyo’s expressways late at night in any one of his heavily modified and brightly coloured Lamborghinis, Morohoshi-san is a walking contradiction, an oxymoron caught between his love of the fastest, the loudest and the flashiest street cars in existence and a desire to keep who and what he is, to himself.

He describes himself as a delinquent. He says he is this because he never likes being told what to do. More importantly, he will never be beaten. By anyone. It's this attitude and self belief that has forced him to fight all of his life and why he is who he is.

He has earned his reputation as an Underground Hero by doing things his own way and carving his own route in life.

It won't be long before you have the opportunity to interact with these titans of the automotive world. You should heed their advice as their experiences and expertise are second to none in their respective fields. It's up to you to listen and drive hard if you want to make your own path and establish your own legacy.
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