Destiny has been out for close to a year on both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Since its initial release, Bungie’s online multiplayer shooter has continuously evolved through various updates and patches. Listening to feedback from the gaming community has enabled Bungie to attract more than 13 million players to Destiny across all platforms. With its launch year coming to an end, Bungie is preparing big changes to Destiny’s core game that will get excite hardcore fans excited and attract even more new players to the game for Year Two.
The Taken King is giving Destiny players a lot more valuable updates than previously released downloadable content. Not only will characters have more equipment slots that give stat boosts and abilities, but character leveling is being completely reworked. The level cap will be Level 40 and be experienced based as opposed to the light level based from armor pieces.
Not only will this make grinding a character to the level cap easier, but will remove the frustration of finding specific armor that is required to level up to maximum. This opens the game to more new players with a more grounded approach to achieving higher status in-game through playing often.
Some long-time Destiny players may feel a bit vexed at these changes at first, but the update doesn’t devalue the time and effort they have put into their characters. In a recent Twitch stream for The Taken King, the Bungie team emphasized that players who stuck with Destiny since day one will not be left out to dry.
The ability to track more quests and bounties, found Exotic weapon and armor blueprints, and the new Spark of Light item are only a part of the many benefits for Year One players receive for sticking with the game since the beginning. Bungie is taking good care of everyone that has supported them.
A lot of the changes from The Taken King however go beyond just benefiting different kinds of players. Updates to the Vault space and rebalancing of weapons and armor are what are helpingDestiny become the game that everyone always wanted it to be.
Players can store more weapons and armor in a Vault with double the amount space than before. Armor shaders and banners are relocated to a terminal located in the Tower, where you can store and switch between them at any time. This will open up more of the Vault space for everyone to store a collection of armor and weapons while minimize the worry of having to pick and choose something to deconstruct.
Weapon balancing updates are probably the more important changes to some players who love to spend time in the Crucible or Raids. Guns that many players have lamented in PvP, like the Thorn or Gjallarhorn, are being reworked to make Crucible matches less unfair and much more fun. This was a widespread concern among Destiny players who were always worried about entering the Crucible or Trials of Osiris and faced with a team of popular overpowered weapons.
While most reductions will focus on specific weapons, not everything is getting reduced so hard. A selection of weapons from Year One will get 2.0 versions that can be upgraded further in strength and have new abilities to compensate for content included in The Taken King.
Although story content will be significant, the updates to the PvP and other PvE content are what will make The Taken King updates incredibly important for Destiny. A lot of the concerns about the game since launch are going to be completely addressed thanks in part to Bungie listening so carefully to community feedback.
Those who have not yet jumped into the experience on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One may find the release of The Taken King to be a golden opportunity to do so. Once The Taken King releases, a lot is going to change. Destiny won’t be the same game everyone had played a year ago.
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