Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What is The Division social team teasing for tomorrow?

The Division is about due for some more attention, and it looks like we’ll soon have the opportunity to give it.

The Division is still several months away but Ubisoft doesn’t intend to let us forget about it in the meantime. The shared worlds shooter’s social media team has started teasing something pretty mysterious.

In a PDF released today, the team dropped a series of clues which fans almost immediately resolved into the phrase “Move off Manhattan Island now”. Plug that into the URL of the original file, which included the phrase “answer goes here”, and you end up at another PDF. I’ve reproduced that one below.

No idea what the stuff on the new document means, but the bit at the bottom about finding out more on August 27 is pretty clear. Keep your eyes on The Division’s Twitter feed for the next info drop.

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