Monday, August 24, 2015

Don't panic guys: you can earn MGS 5's MB coins in-game

UPDATE: Konami has told us that MGS 5's FOB is "fully accessible at launch" and micro-transactions are an "accelerator" .

One of the things that seems to have come out of all the MGS 5 reviews is that the Mother Base FOB sections (needed for one of the game's PvP modes) require an in-game currency called MB coins to buy.

With access to the game limited pre-release that's got a lot of people worrying about microtransactions and paywall content. Fortunately, long-running Konami producer Ken-Ichiro Imaizumi clarified quite some time ago that you can earn MB coins in the game. When asked by a fan "What about "MB Coins"? How will they work without having to pay for microtransactions? My excitement has gone down B/C of this", he replied with the following:

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