Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rise of the Tomb Raider video shows a stealthier approach

Judging by the Gamescom footage released earlier this month, Lara Croft is a bloodthirsty psychopath. Rarely did she back down from an opportunity to plunge her blade into someone's throat, with nary a thought for her victim's children or parents. It's brutal stuff, but that's video games for you. If there's a neck to be stabbed, you better be sure it will be stabbed.

You don't have to stab every neck in Rise of the Tomb Raider, though. To illustrate this point, Crystal Dynamics has released an alternative version of the 'Advancing Storm' gameplay section shown at Gamescom, and this time Lara places greater value on human life. The video is embedded above for your viewing pleasure.

Rise of the Tomb Raider will release for PC early next year, after a period of Xbox One exclusivity.

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