Tuesday, August 25, 2015

GTA 5 Looks Jaw Dropping With This PC Mod

An industrious Grand Theft Auto V PC player has overhauled the game's visuals with a home-made software mod, and the results have left fans captivated.

Posting on Reddit, Martin 'Toddyftw' Bergman described the Toddyhancer mod as a "work in progress" that uses a whole range of tools to introduce new visual effects. The software includes ReShade, a generic post-processing injector, which is used to add "ambient occlusion, bokeh depth of field, and colour correction."

Meanwhile, the middleware ENB, which has previously been used for games including Skyrim, Oblivion, and Deus Ex, allows greater control over post-processing effects and high dynamic range lighting. Along with those, Bergman has made a few "simple tweaks and some tonemapping with class."

It's important to note that the mod is in the early stages of development and, much like with GTA 4's iCEnhancer, is likely to evolve and improve the realistic visual style over time.
Toddyhancer Screenshot Gallery

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