Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ezio’s voice-acting in Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China sucked, so one fan fixed it

Ubisoft did not hire Ezio Auditore’s original voice actor to reprise his role in Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China. Fans usually just post some angry comments online and move on. But not this fan.

Assassin’s Creed fan Loomer was not happy to learn that the voice of Roger Craig Smith, the original voice actor for Ezio Auditore, was missing from Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China. Loomer however deiced to fix it, by asking the veteran actor to redo the lines.

Smith agreed and they both made a YouTube video to replace the one in-game. Loomer told Kotaku that he got Ubisoft’s blessing. “I basically put together a list and video compilation of all of Ezio’s lines in AC: Chronicles China (about 33 lines total) and sent it to Roger,” he said.

“He then recorded his take on the lines (I assume from his home studio) and emailed me the sound files. We did a couple retakes on some of the lines (Ubisoft has changed how Shao Jun’s name is pronounced over the years) but other than that, that was pretty much it.”

What’s more, as you’re about to watch, Loomer made sure the old voice stays cannon and didn’t just replace it. “I threw in the Erudito aspect (which Ubisoft used in AC: Liberation to show you the ‘real’ version of cutscenes) because I love the idea that this crappy fake Ezio voice is canon, it’s just Abstergo messing things up. After all, we know from Assassin-controlled Animi how Ezio’s voice really sounded.”

You can listen to some of Smith’s work in the video below.

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