Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Xbox One Vs PS4: Is It Really Even A Console War Anymore?

Next Xbox

As we prepare to head into the holiday season, we ask ourselves: can Microsoft’s Xbox One possibly catch up to Sony’s uber-succesful PS4? At the beginning of this console generation, the two machines were unquestionably head-t0-head rivals: both companies drenched the media in advertisements, the blogs went wild, and one launched the week after the other in dueling blue and green. Things changed pretty quickly after that. The PS4 took off with unprecedented sales, leaving the Xbox One behind as Microsoft did several much-needed about faces and reconfigured the console to be something that would have a chance against Sony’s machine.

Flash forward to now, and Sony is sitting on an install base somewhere north of 25.3 million, and it outsold the Xbox One 2-1 last quarter. Going into the holiday season, Xbox One would appear to have all the advantages: it’s cheaper, it has more exclusives, and it’s already showing up with some aggressive bundles. But Sony has one single factor that may more important: momentum. And so we return to that original question: can Microsoft’s Xbox One possibly catch up to Sony’s uber-succesful PS4? No, probably not.

But I think that question is largely closed, at this point. Barring some dramatic turnaround, new device or other unforeseen circumstances, the PS4 will comfortably dominate in the years to come. But if the PS4 won, does that mean the Xbox One lost? Only sort of. Here’s Phil Spencer, talking to Eurogamer.

“Sony’s had great success with PlayStation, they’ve earned that success over multiple decades of building a great product. Kudos to them for their market position. All I can do is focus on Xbox, and I love that. I love our fans and the partners we have. We’re growing Xbox year on year, we’re bigger than we were this time in the 360 generation, so generation over generation we’re in a better spot, year over year we’re in a better spot.”

It’s classic Phil-speak, of course. One would hardly expect Microsoft’s head of Xbox to talk about how annoyed he is by Sony, or how the sales gap is totally unfair. But he also has a point: the Xbox One is selling well, even if the PS4 is selling better. The console war mentality assumes a zero-sum game, but we’re seeing that the entire console industry can continue to grow.

And that’s only if you consider the Xbox One as a sort of stand alone console, which increasingly it’s not. Satya Nadella’s Microsoft has been bullish on video games in general as a crucial part of the modern computer, whether that computer takes the form of a PC, a phone, a console or a tablet. The Xbox One then becomes a Windows 10 enabled device designed to work as part of a larger gaming ecosystem. Microsoft is the company that makes Windows, after all, long before it’s the company that makes Xbox. Over the course of the past year or so, it’s wisely redirected the narrative from being about Xbox One vs. PS4 to one that considers the tech giant’s broader goals.

When we think about the console industry, we’re still going to consider it in terms of Xbox One vs. PS4, with Wii U doing its thing on the side. It only makes sense that way. It isn’t that Microsoft wouldn’t love to be outselling the PS4, just that it needs to find different metrics for success if it wants to think about the machine’s future. But I’d be pretty shocked if we saw a real narrative shift at this point, and I don’t think that’s the most interesting question anymore. Now that the dust has settled from the initial console war, we get to start asking what happens next.

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