Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Gamergate - OP updated 27 October

Mod edit 27 Oct:
The time has come again to address some major concerns about posting in this thread. Reading the OP below, then reading the most recent posts, will show that this controversy has evolved greatly over time, so much so, that, as of this edit, the thread has surpassed 800 pages of posts. That being said, some more specific guidelines need to be laid out.

This thread is largely pro-Gamergate. That means most of the users posting in this thread support the things that the thousands of people participating in the movement/revolt/whatever are about. The majority of Gamergate supporters are in favor of diversity in gaming (playing, developing, and covering), and denounce bullying and sexism; whether or not you believe that is your prerogative, but be mindful that the point of a forum is discussion, not flinging insults or generalizations. As to the pro-Gamergate crowd, dissenting opinions are important to discussion, otherwise it turns into an echo chamber. People of every alignment (pro-, anti-, unaffiliated, uninitiated, just in it for lolz, whatever) need to be mindful of the forum guidelines and post constructively and respectfully.
Just because you don't think it's not about ethics in journalism doesn't mean that it isn't about ethics in journalism. Gamergate means many different things to many different people, regardless of their stance on the issue. It's a complex, controversial topic; generalizing it or the people discussing it is not constructive and may be considered trolling by moderators. This also applies to those who decry allegations of sexism or misogyny being the start of this topic; the OP and ensuing conversation below clearly illustrates that Zoë Quinn's personal sex life was a catalyst in starting this thread and the movement/revolt as a whole. Many people got many different things from thezoepost blog, so again, do not use that as a point to generalize what Gamergate is about. It's not completely about sexism/misogyny. It's not completely about ethics. It's complex; treat it as such.
Many questions via PM and Twitter have come to me asking why this thread is still open or why the OP hasn't been edited out to show what Gamergate is "really" about, and my answer is simple: the opposite happened on reddit, with over 25,000 comments being deleted in a certain subreddit. Those moderators decided to censor and shape the discussion; we're not going to do that here as long as it's within our ability to keep this thread open, but the thread has to remain honest to accurately portray this discussion from beginning to end. We don't expect anybody new to read all 800+ pages, but we do ask anybody jumping in to at least be familiar with these moderator edits before diving in and causing a ruckus.
Nobody posting in this thread speaks on behalf of pro- or anti-Gamergate. Anything anybody says shouldn't be used to paint one side or the other (or neutral) in any way. Every single person involved with "the hashtag" has their own motivations for being involved. Just because Edge says Random Twitter Guy smells like farts because he doesn't support Gamergate, doesn't make the entirety of the pro-Gamergate crowd fart-sniffers. The same applies for the other side.
Bullying, threatening, and harassment happens in Gamergate, to many people involved (myself included) on both sides of the conversation. These attacks are unnecessary and immature. Bullying and harassment will NOT be tolerated on these forums. If you receive any threats, please click on one of the following links to send a PM to any of the the moderator staff:

Video Games Moderators
aiko-chan :: Edge- :: Lucetia :: Marthenil :: Remilia :: Sj

Global "Super" Moderators
Arlee :: Darsithis :: Elysia :: Radux :: Tziva :: xskarma :: Zaelsino

Ignorance of the forum guidelines or the guidelines set forth in this post does not excuse any posts that contradict them. The guidelines are in place to facilitate constructive discussion; please be mindful of that before participating in this thread.

-Thanks, Sj

Mod edit 12 Sept:
This thread is obviously large and evolving over time. There are new developments everyday, and the situation has evolved well beyond what #GamerGate began as. It's for this reason a plea and warning is being issued to people new to the thread, and those who aren't up-to-date on the happenings in #GamerGate and in this thread:

Don't drop in just to express your disbelief over people making a big deal about it; what's important to the people participating in this thread may not be important to you, and that works vice-versa.
No tl;dr posts: #GamerGate is a complicated, evolving topic; there is no tl;dr.
Blatant insults towards any figures involved are unnecessary.
Don't hotlink from 4chan; as threads get pruned and deleted, so do pictures. Use or another free image hosting site.
#GamerGate encompasses many social issues; be respectful in whatever disagreements may come your way. Keep 1-on-1 bickering to PMs.
Do not post information obtained by illegal means (whether by you or someone else), and do not post personal information about parties that do not wish it to be shared (i.e. Zoë Quinn's real name, Anita Sarkeesian's phone number, etc.).
This thread leans heavily towards pro-#GamerGate; that's no excuse to gang up on anyone who feels differently.
Don't just post random links to Twitter profiles, tweets, pictures, webpages without providing context as to what someone may be clicking.
As always, please follow the general forum guidelines, as well as the VG Discussion guidelines.

Mod edit: Good recaps of the whole situation:

To weed out offensive obsencities as mentioned by the mod, lets try again.

Curiously enough no one in MMO Champion has yet touched upon this "Zoegate" situation. Basically it's about this chick exposed by her BF who quite literally fucked her way to reviews and different positions in gaming community. This quite lengthy video explains the backrounds fairly well:

Edit: Another video with updated information

Now what is quite interesting is the response to the whole case.

What has happened that through various connections she has built (and saying that some of them for sexual favours at this point is not out of the books at all, in fact more than likely) the whole situation has been suppressed all through the internet with many notorious gaming sites outright banning people if they bring the subject up, and deleting threads at inhumane speeds. It has not stopped there.

Reddit gaming main mod (to whom there's confirmed connection with Zoe) has also removed any traces of this discussion for days.

4chan isn't safe haven either (lol at the notion) and have been targets of many false accusations regarding "raiding" Zoe in cases that has proven to be herself "hacking" her own accounts to create bad publicity and victimhood before by miracle only obtaining rights back to those accounts within timespace of only 15 minutes sometimes, and not deleting the "attacks" against her.

Hell, it goes to a point that after GameNosh site posted article about it, their hosting service pulled the site down up until it was deleted (now it's restored again, afaik they switched the host). Same happened with N4G where the host pulled the plug until they removed the article

Certain portions of the [censored] indie [censored] crowd [censored] now attack anyone who even dares to mention the situation, denoting the case as "attack against females in gaming industry". Most notorious persons of this practice with no surprise comes from yours truly RSP and Kotaku with honorable mention going to NeoGAF, Escapist, Tumblr, .

Whenever reasonable statements are done (such at one by Totalbiscuit), gets shut down by these white knights defending this "poor girl who never did anything wrong", ironically biting the hand that often gave them the publicity needed to even get into the business proper.

Welcome to the new era of equal gaming.

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