Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sony PlayStation 4’s Upcoming 3.0 System Update Offers Massive Improvement

The PS4’s upcoming 3.0 system update will bring several new changes to the bestselling console, but one change makes a massive improvement

The next major update on the Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) PlayStation 4, 3.0, is coming soon and currently in beta testing. While it will have several useful features, perhaps the biggest one is related to cloud storage. One of the advantages of PlayStation Plus is uploading game saves to Cloud Storage, and it is currently limited to a gigabyte of memory. According to Cinema Blend, the latest update will bump it up to 10 GB.

This is huge because game saves files that grow larger in size. In the previous generation, they were quite small and in fact the PS2 had them saved on 8MB memory cards. The bump in memory for Cloud Saves is great because they can hold more game saves for the PS4 and can be accessed anytime. It is a handy complement to storing them on physical USB pen drives.

Down the line, even 10GB may not be enough as developers push consoles to their limits and games become more demanding. The need for physical and cloud space will continue to increase. Even the 500GB memory that is standard on consoles these days is not enough. New models sporting 1TB hard drives are being released but even that seems small considering how much space each game takes. If you download digitally, then your space requirements become even larger. The best thing about physical discs is that, even though the data is stored on the console, it can be deleted and reinstalled later making hard drive space easy to micromanage.

Other than the increase in Cloud Storage, YouTube streaming is an added bonus, especially with the launch of its gaming service. Social networking improvements have been added in the form of communities and favorite groups. Hopefully Sony uses the data from the beta test and tweaks the 3.0 update to make it more stable when it goes live to public. If you are excited about the changes in 3.0, please let us know in the comments below.

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