With The Taken King releasing next week, here is everything that a player needs to know regarding the expansion
Bungie is set to release its most hyped expansion titled The Taken King next week. In a recent blogpost, Bungie explained its fans what to expect from the upcoming The Taken King 2.0. The complete list of changes has not been completely revealed, but the key features will be highlighted here.
Since the upcoming expansion is set to release next week, Bungie has informed its users that this will be the last week where the players will be able to experience the original Destiny as it will be taken down on Wednesday, which is before the update takes place.
Bungie has advised the players of Destiny not to delete their characters or dismantle their items as they will be upgraded with the new leveling system and their levels will be updated accordingly. Bungie has also advised the fans to destroy the Wolf Packs while looting chests for Ether Keys, try the campaign for Year One again or even complete the House of Wolves Grimoire as this will not be available when the update takes place.
The Moments of Triumph has been extended till September 14, 2015 for the players to earn a special emblem. Since Destiny will be getting a major overhaul, there will be things that would be removed from the game such as no weekly or daily events taking place, no nightfall or weekly Strikes taking place during the week. The Vanguard/Crucible marks are to be converted into different faction commendations.
Furthermore, a tactical preview has been released on Destiny and the key features for it raises the Level Cap for The Taken King till 40, the Character Level Cap for every player will be raised till 34, a new Quest Screen will be added to the player’s menu, bounty slots will now be increased from 10 to 16, the Class-specific Armor items will depreciate in order to accommodate the unified Armor Material as well as provide a Fallen Wolf Hunt Patrols will be retreated due to the anticipation regarding the arrival of Oryx in the solar system.
Two new Multiplayer modes have been made live, namely Rift and Mayhem, which have been released before The Taken King releases. New modes and maps have been released as a preview for Crucible, which can be played from September 8 to September 14, 2015 and will be made as a part of The Taken King permanently.
Destiny: The Taken King releases on September 15, 2015 on Sony Corp.’s (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Corporation’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Xbox One, Xbox 360.
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