Bungie adds trophies for Destiny’s upcoming expansion “The Taken King” on PlayStation 4
As Activision Blizzard Inc.’s (NASDAQ:ATVI) Destiny: The Taken King comes closer to its release, the game’s developer, Bungie, and the fans gear up for Year Two, which kicks off today. To prepare the game for the upcoming DLC and mark the start of Year Two, Bungie has recently added trophies for The Taken King on Sony Corp.’s (NYSE:SNE) PlayStation 4.
Interestingly, the added trophy set does not have any Gold or Platinum level trophies; it is included in the game as an expansion pack and not as a separate game. The set includes trophies that can be earned by completing quests, granting your characters access to the new subclasses. The subclasses are to be introduced with the launch of the new DLC.
The trophies also include quests that will most likely require completion of the in-game missions, available along with two other trophies relating to the new Raid, The King’s Fall. If you have pre-ordered The Taken King, you can go to the trophies section on your PlayStation 4, and select Destiny trophies to make the updated trophy list available for you to check out.
Bungie has also revealed a new trailer for The Taken King which shows Oryx, father of Crota, in all his glory. While it does not show any in-game footage, it welcomes Eris Morn, the mission vendor for The Dark Below DLC, who will mark her return in the upcoming DLC. It also features Mara Sov, the queen of the reef, which makes us hope that the DLC will reveal more of her story and history.
In other news, the game developer recently confirmed that no weekly Nightfall and heroic strikes will be available this week. The upcoming DLC will bring major changes to the game’s system, including changes to the leveling system, the Ghost companion’s voice actor, and the Daily heroic story mission, which will make it an account-level activity rather than the character-level activity it is right now.
Bungie is also removing the actual Nightfall buff from the game that used to boot players out of the activity, once the whole fire team was dead. Instead, the game will restart from the mission’s last checkpoint, just like it used to in the weekly heroic strike. The removal of the weekly heroic strikes means that now there won’t be any guaranteed source of Strange Coins, the currency used to purchase armor and weapons from the weekend trader, Xur. But as we already know, there will be other ways in which one could earn the coins.
While the developer has confirmed that Xur will be accepting the currency only for armor and weapons just like before, it is going to increase drop rates for Strange Coins from other activities in the game, so as to balance the currency supply.
While the absence of Nightfall and weekly heroic strikes this week might be a disappointment for some, the new crucible content to be made available with the massive 2.0 update, launching today, is going to be pretty exciting. Bidness Etc believes the new maps and other content can easily make up for the loss.
Destiny: The Taken King launches on September 15 for Microsoft Corporation’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.
So, what are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to the new content or are you gutted about the lack of the weekly strikes? Let us know in the comments below!
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